Mini Tour in Sri Lanka


Arosh tour’s Mini Tour Package offer the best way to enjoy a few days in Sri Lanka. We carefully conceived to provide the best value experience, combined with World Heritage Site, Spice Garden, Art and Craft Centre, Gem Museum and Colombo city tour with shopping.

Day 1 – Airport – Dambulla (B/D) 150kms

Option 1—US$ 10 per person:

Dambulla Cave Temple first came to use as a refuge for King Valagambahu in 1st Century BC, Concealed by the local monks upon returning from exile to his throne at Anuradapuraya, he had the magnificent cave temple built for them.The Cave temple consists of a complex of Buddhist image houses.Its rock ceiling is one large sweep of colorful frescoes,some of which dates back to over 2,000 years which depicts Buddhist mythology and the tales of the Buddha’s previous births. This cave temple has the largest number of Buddha statues all housed in one plaace including a 14-meter-long colossal figure of the recumbent Buddha carved out of the rock.

(Optional 2- US$ 30 per person)

Sigiriya Rock Fortress is home to the 5th Century “Fortress in the Sky” which is perhaps the most fantastic single wonder of the island. It is also known as Lion Rock because of the huge lion that used to stand at the entrance to the fortress. Within its triple-moated defense, the huge rock rises almost to a sheer height of 500 ft. On its summit are the foundations of 500 ft. On its summit are the foundations of what was once a great and sumptuous palace and gardens complete with swimming pool. On one of the stairways, the only known ancient work of Sinhala secular painting survived in the form of Frescoes of life sized damsels in all the freshness and delicacy of their original color.

Stay at Sigiriya.


Day 2 – Dambulla – Kandy (B/D) 110kms

After breakfast at the hotel proceed to kandy. Visit the famous Spice Garden in Matale, Upper Lake Drive, Market Square, Art & Crafts Center and Gem Museum 7 (Optional – US$ 10 per person) Temple of Tooth Relic . Kandy the hill capital,is the venue of the annual Perahera. It is also where Buddhism’s influence and monasteries keeping Buddhist traditions alive. Proceed to Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic. At night you’ll watch a Sri Lanka culture show.

Upper Lake Kandy, Art and Craft Center, Gem Museum

Stay at Kandy


Day 3

After breakfast proceed to Colombo. Go on a drive through Cinnamon Gardens, the former British military garrison, Sea Street- the Goldsmiths quarters in the heart of Pettah, the Bazaar area, Hindu Temple, The Dutch Church of Wolfendhal. Visit the BMICH see the replica of Avukana Buddha & the Independence Square. Shopping at the bazaar to stylish boutique outlets, Odel is Sri Lanka’s most famous shop in the center of the town. There are home ware stores like Paradise Road, Suruy and Gandhara. Saffron Villas is popular for antique furniture. Spend a hectic morning wandering the narrow streets of Pettah Bazaar.

Stay at Colombo


Day 4 – Colombo – Airport (B/D) 50 kms.

After breakfast at the hotel start shopping in Colombo. Visit ODEL, House of Fashion, Arcade Independence square, Race Course and Beverly Street. Visit and bargain in the market in Colombo Pettah and then transfer to the airport for the flight back home.

Airport Drop

No. 25,
Bambukuliya, Kochchikade,
Sri Lanka.
Phone: +94 779 264 088